Make a Difference
Gyabolanders & Friends-US, Inc. is a 501 C (3) non-profit initiative to promote socio-economic and educational uplift in Gyaboland, a region commonly called Garraway, Liberia or, sadly, “the forgotten region.”
Gyabolanders & Friends-US, Inc. performs charitable work that prioritizes early childhood education, because it is clear that high quality early education is the foundation for long-term success. A strong educational foundation often serves as a catalyst for a lifelong love of learning. Young children learn through not only via subjects, but also through play, experiences, and positive relationships.
Meanwhile, in their current environment, the children of Samuel G. Mooney Elementary school K-2 can only dream about such opportunities.
According to the UN statistics, Garraway is the poorest region in Liberia, and hardest to access due to infrastructure challenges. As a result, there is an urgent and widespread need for assistance to several, if not all, schools in Gyaboland/Garraway. The first two projects previously undertaken by our organization 1) Schools Supplies and 2) School Benches were shared with several schools in Garraway. However, thereafter, our survey revealed the urgent need for a school building for the Samuel G. Elementary due to the current dilapidated structure. The area is bereft of favorable learning facilities, but due to limited resources, our non-profit is constrained to target one school at a time. As a result, we are currently undertaking the construction of a durable six-classroom building as the new S.G. Mooney. The project is quite challenging due to the high cost of materials and transportation, considering inadequate roads.
We are soliciting donations to help us complete the construction project to get our children out of the rain before next raining season, which starts in April. Your donations are tax deductible.
Please see images below and view the rest our page, for additional details. You can also reach us by phone: 917. 873.5554 or via email:
Let’s get our children out of the rain!
Finally, we are calling on other humanitarian organizations to join us in reaching out to this region of—almost--“forgotten” people to help with basic necessities especially educational facilities and teachers training.
Samuel G. Mooney Elementary School, currently
Foundation of the new school courtesy of Gyabolanders & Friends-US, Inc.
Please help by donating in order to complete this building.