Distribution of Hygiene Kits

On December 4th & 5th, 2022, the local distribution team headed by Mrs. Angeline Sayeh Topor, Midwife by profession and currently a Hospital Administrator, set out to distribute 500 hundred Menstrual Hygiene Kits donated in partnership with the MoonCatcher Project and Gyabolanders & Friends-US, Inc. This project is aligned with the MoonCatcher Project's mission to optimize girls' lives worldwide by removing barriers related to menstruation. Help girls 1) stay in school, 2) learn reproductive health, 3) Marry later and have fewer children, and 4) Fully participate in their lives and in their communities. The distribution to girls in seven (7) schools in several communities and towns in Garraway/Gyaboland, Grand Kru County, Liberia, West Africa.

The Distribution Team

A bridge between Gyenoyah and Piddy

Garraway Central High School. Mrs. Angeline Sayeh Torpor, head of the team preparing to demonstrate to the girls how to use the contents of the kits.

Schools Visited

On behalf of the girls, we extend a big Thank You to the MoonCatcher Project, Gyabolanders & Friends-US, Inc, and the local distribution team.

Nemieh Town School

A.E. Hall United Methodist School

Gyenoyah Elementary and Junior High School

Garraway elementary and Junior high


Hygiene Kits Phase 1


Mask Distribution & COVID-19 Project